After a few days off I have been busy.
All the Austrians are painted and based thats 5 officers and 30 men. Also on the painting table are 48 British, just need varnishing and basing. More figures are on order to get the correct amount.
43 Germans also on painting table to go with the 1 officer and 8 men I already have. Onto the Austrian Hungarians, already painted are 1 officer and 8 Hungarians. I have undercoated 4 officers and 22 men.
I have out an order in for some more Russians as I am short of a few for these, I have sufficient for the other Nationalities French and Japanese. I know Rich is supplying Japanese but for completeness I am painting these up to.
I have the Nordenfeldt gun painted, so have ordered Maxim Gun, Colt MG and a field gun for the Italians. Also ordered are a number of sandbags from Ironclad Miniatures.
Its all going very well, and I have more time to take off so am really into the swing of painting again, the good weather helps.