The Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers is keen to get members meeting up for games and Gatherings throughout the world. This Blog is to help us organise such events.
I've taken some pics of the NATO base force for the SOTCW game at Caronnade in May.
The main force consists of a Challenger regiment and a battalion of mechanised infantry in FV432s.
The Challengers were painted by Phil Gray some time ago. They are accompanied by a Scimitar recce platoon and a GW troop in FV438s. The Challenger on a square base is the Unit's HQ. I might well add a second HQ to the unit to help capture the superior flexibility of NATO doctrine.
Artillery support is in the form of three Abbots and an M110. Actually, it might end up being six Abbots - we'll see how the points balance out.
Among the planned reinforcements is a squadron of Chieftains from the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (seemed appropriate as we're playing in Scotland). The NATO forces are obviously scraping together forces for this operation. Infantry support is in the form of elements of 1st Armoured Squadron RAF Regiment in Spartan APCs.
I had a damaged Skytrex Chieftain and decided to replace the missing barral with a piece of brass rod. Rather than try to model the bore evacuator and thermal jacket I decided to depict some camouflage by gluing a pice of ragged-edged tissue paper over the barrel. The resulting model forms the HQ element for the Dragoons.